When is the community most active?
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The chart shows you for every day in the week and every hour how many messages have been sent in your Discord community. The darker the shaded cell the more activity happened on that day at that time. You can quickly see patterns of light and dark: When it's light people are sleeping or away from your Discord community. When it's dark, members are present and are posting.
Use the activity chart to figure out when members are sharing content, reacting and replying. If your community would meet in a physical place, like a cafe, sports field, or playground, the dark shaded area tell when the place is jam-packed.
Use the activity chart to figure out
What events is creating a lot of buzz?
What are the most/least active channels?
What is the daily rhythm of your community? Do you have early risers or night owls?
Are certain times and days more popular than others?
If your members are collaborating on projects, check if there is sufficient time for deep-work (light shaded area)
The activity chart shows when people are talking with each other in a channel. This means you
don't know when and how much conversations are happening via DMs
should not assume that they can also be active on calls
don't know which events get most people on-stage talking with each other
Post announcements when your community is most active on Discord
Schedule events when members are also on Discord
Make sure you have community managers whose work hours match your community's active hours
Use the activity levels to review your channel structure