πŸ•ΈοΈConnecting other tools

You can toggle on different modules that work on top of your data TogetherCrew is ingesting. For each module you have a choice of different platforms. Remember

  • A platform is any tool that you use. For example: Discord, Notion, Discourse, Github.

  • A module is a "widget" that is offered as part of TogetherCrew For example: HiveMind, reputationNFT

To set up a module you always follow this flow

  1. Go to Community Settings

  2. Select the chosen platform

  3. Connect the chosen platform

  4. Manage the access a module should have to the platform

When you connect a platform you make it possible for other modules to pull data from these platforms. But you still need to set up these modules and tell them exactly what data to pull.

Add a platform to your community


Currently (June 204) you can only set up one Discord server per Community on TogetherCrew

  • Select +Connect

  • Select your server. You might have to first authenticate your Discord account

  • Select Continue and then Authorize

Discourse (coming)

summer 2024

Telegram (coming)

July 2024

Google Drive

Connect a Google Account

  • Select the Google Platform

  • Select +Connect

  • Select your Google account

  • Select Continue

  • Select the following permissions and then select Continue

    • See and download all your Google Drive files

    • See information about your Google Drive files

Disconnect a Google Account

  • Select the Google Platform

  • Next to the account that you want to disconnect, select the wheel and then select Disconnect & Delete


Connect a GitHub account

  • Select the Github Platform

  • Sign in to your GitHub account

  • Select the Organization you want TogetherCrew to have access to. You can also give it access to your personal account.

  • Decide what repositories TogetherCrew should have access to. You can select All repositories or Only select repositories.

    • If you select Only select repositories you have to specify which ones in the dropdown menu.

  • Select save and go back to TogetherCre community settings.

Disconnect a GitHub account

  • Option 1: In TogetherCrew by selecting the platform, then select the little wheel and Disconnect & Delete

  • Option 2: In Github, under Account (Organization) setting -> Integrations -> Applications scroll down to the Danger zone and select Suspend your installation or Uninstall TogetherCrew


Connect a Notion Account. You can only connect a Notion account to one community

  • Select the Notion Platform

  • Select +Connect

  • Select the Notion you want to integrate. Remember, you need to have admin access to that Notion.

  • Select Select Pages and in the next window you decide what pages TogetherCrew should have access to

  • Then select Allow Access

Disconnect a Notion Account

  • Select the Notion Platform

  • Next to the account that you want to disconnect, select the wheel and then select Disconnect & Delete Data


Manage Module settings

Use this to manage the access a module has to the platforms you connected to your community


HiveMind helps members get quick answers to their questions, and supports knowledge management in communities. You have to specify the settings for each platform.

Setting up HiveMind explains how to set up different platforms for the HiveMind module

Last updated